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Emma, dressed in a vintage dress and oversized blazer, thinks timeless looks should stem from happiness

Timeless looks of Paris: This is Emma.

What makes a style truly timeless? With fashion designer, stylist and photographer, Yolanda Ng, at the helm, we strolled the streets of Paris to seek out fashionable people – and ask them about clothes, life and how they create looks that stand the test of time.

Music imitating fashion imitating music

Emma describes her style as colourful, influenced by vintage fashion and music

“Sometimes it’s a problem for me to commit to one look, genre or style. I love everything,” Emma tells us. She’s dressed in a red dress with a bold psychedelic pattern, an oversized blazer and cowboy boots. A curious contrast against the time-worn walls of Place Dalida in Montmartre, where we stopped her for a chat. 

After a moment she settles on a way to characterise her style. “Colourful,” she says. “I like colour and strong pieces. Interesting silhouettes, patterns and materials. And vintage.” 

It doesn’t take long before we learn that the pursuit of contrasts – and a touch of the unexpected – forms somewhat of a theme in Emma’s life. Having moved from the south of France, she now calls the effervescent streets of Paris home. And it is here that she has established herself as a savvy entrepreneur with a successful vintage store – one which recently occupied a pop-up space in one of Paris’ most exclusive department stores – as well as one of the country’s hottest up-and-coming DJs. 

Fashion and unique second-hand clothing, she tells us, has always been a passion of hers, which is why two years ago she opened up her very own online vintage store. DJing, on the other hand, is a newer discovery. “I only started one year ago,” she says. “But I love it a lot. A lot, a lot. Now, I want to mix the fashion with the DJ-ing.”

We find this combination an interesting one. Has music changed her style, we ask. Did it have some kind of influence? After a thoughtful pause Emma shakes her head. “Not exactly,” she says. “When it comes to my music and my fashion, it’s more of a global thing. Music influences the pieces I choose and my style influences my music. It’s a general mood.”

Emma describes her style as colourful, influenced by vintage fashion and music
Emma describes her style as colourful, influenced by vintage fashion and music

Vintage makes the heart grow fonder

“In the south of France, where I come from, we have a lot of vintage markets,” Emma tells us. “So, from very early on, I went there with my mum.”

She paints a charming scene. Tables, racks and stalls filled with all kinds of fashion; some cheaper items, some luxury. Years of such weekend trips – time spent looking for treasure – quickly earned Emma a discerning eye, and a penchant for the unexpected. In a sea of second-hand and vintage pieces, she learned to find an unusual cut, interesting material or an iconic moment. She also taught herself to alter and repair pieces – where to nip, sew, snip or stitch to take the fashions of the past and translate them into timeless pieces of today. 

“My style has also evolved,” she says, gesturing to her outfit. “Before I had a style that was much more demure. Now I try different things. I’m very into colourful and strong pieces with cooler materials.” 

She describes one of her all-time favourites – a Yves Saint Laurent wool jacket in a bright pink colour. “I think it might be my favourite, but I have a lot of colourful pieces. It’s cool to sell and buy vintage. I always have the opportunity to try new things.”

Yet Emma’s style makeover did not occur without a deeper and more significant narrative. When we ask her what makes a timeless style truly – well – timeless, her answer is astoundingly simple, yet completely true to her entire aesthetic. 

“For me timeless style is about selecting pieces that make you happy. It’s about a feeling.” 

As we wave goodbye, we are certain of one thing – the feeling Emma has mastered is joy. And, we all agree, it is definitely timeless.

Vintage store owner and DJ Emma, likes to pair unlikely things together to create her own timeless look

Slow fashion tips from Emma

Vintage store owner and DJ Emma, likes to pair unlikely things together to create her own timeless look
  • Buy second hand – The world is filled with problematic fast fashion items, spare the environment and find a unique look by shopping vintage
  • Don’t be afraid of colour – It is your friend. Experiment with new shades and patterns – the more you can combine, the more creative your wardrobe will become
  • Be true to you – do not follow trends; focus on what makes you happy 
  • Mend and alter – giving your clothes a makeover is a great way to get a better fit and make your favourite pieces last longer
  • Look after clothes – if you wash them well, they can last a long, long time

Image credits:
© Yolanda NG Photography
© Antoine Doyen

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