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Kathleen Elie talks sustainable fashion

New York-based fashion blogger and style icon Kathleen Elie is committed to sustainability and wants to inspire others to do the same. She founded her blog Conscious N Chic to promote and demonstrate an ethical and sustainable way of life in the fashion, beauty, food, tourism and technology industries. Kathleen Elie is a leader of the fashion revolution and we are lucky to be able to talk to her about style, ethics and her motivation to make better, more sustainable fashion choices.

Why did you decide to create a fashion blog? What has been your biggest success so far?

I had the idea when I was working in the fashion industry in New York. As I was creating and consuming fashion, I noticed some injustices in our industry that just broke my heart. But I wasn't interested in making a loud noise. Instead, I wanted to educate myself about the various practices common in our industry. I wanted to learn more about the causes and how we could do better. I turned my life around and drew attention to the low-paid workers and slave-like conditions in manufacturing. I wanted to be part of the solution, not the problem. That's how my blog was born.

Since the launch of Conscious N Chic, I have had many great moments. For example, I've been able to give public speeches, lead workshops and work closely with new and established brands. But the happiest thing for me is when I see people changing their lifestyle and choosing sustainable fashion and ethical living. I'm also working on some other exciting partnerships that I'll be sharing more about soon. So stay tuned!

A Black woman holds a microphone and talks to a group of people

Why is slow fashion so important?

I love fashion. My passion for tailoring spurs me on every day to promote sustainability in the fashion industry. I am interested in higher quality materials and better workmanship as well as fundamentally better working conditions for those who make my clothes. The well-being of pattern designers, tailors and seamstresses is important to me. I believe that we must stand up for those who cannot speak for themselves. We can do this by supporting slow fashion. It's mainly women who make clothes. That's why this is also about women's rights.

A speech bubble with a quote from Kathleen Elie "Don´t let a lack of knowledge, time or funds keep you from starting your sustainability journey"

How can we make more conscious choices when buying clothes?

The most important thing is - and I can't repeat this often enough: you need to appreciate every single item in your closet. It should make you happy and serve you well. When you go shopping to buy new pieces, take your time beforehand and write down what you have and what you are missing. This will help you find pieces that you will still wear in the future. It doesn't matter if it's a great vintage piece or a piece from a slow fashion designer, you just have to love it.

A black woman stands on a staircase and smiles

What is your most important sustainable fashion tip?

Make conscious decisions. Inform yourself as much as possible and adapt your lifestyle accordingly. I reduce by eliminating. For example, I avoid plastic by no longer using straws, shopping bags and plastic bottles. I also choose my clothes and accessories carefully when I store. I want to love everything I own. That's why I usually opt for classic and timeless pieces that are in line with my style. I don't store fast fashion, but I do buy second-hand pieces and ethically sourced clothing. I appreciate pieces that tell a story and make the world a better place.

Katherine Elie shares five ethical fashion tips in her informative YouTube video

Image credits:
Header image: Kathleen Elie (PR)
Image of Kathleen Elie demonstrating how she’s a leader in the fashion revolution: Kathleen Elie (PR)
Image of Kathleen Elie embracing her sustainable fashion outfit: Kathleen Elie (PR)

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